Sylvia Hernandez
Office Manager
Sylvia Hernandez is driven by an unwavering belief that every living creature deserves love and care. Her lifelong devotion to animals began in her early childhood, as she grew up surrounded by the loving presence of pets. Raised by parents who shared her deep passion for animals, Sylvia learned the importance of nurturing and cherishing these remarkable beings.
Animals have always held a special place in Sylvia’s heart. They possess a unique ability to offer solace in times of sadness, despair, or frustration, their silent companionship serving as a source of comfort and understanding. Sylvia’s early experiences instilled in her a profound love and respect for animals.
However, the heart-wrenching images of suffering animals portrayed in the media haunted Sylvia, motivating her to take action against cruelty. She firmly believes that many of the pain and misery endured by these innocent creatures could have been prevented. Sylvia is on a mission to make a difference and contribute to the well-being of animals in need.
Her role at Stanton Pet Hospital provides her with the opportunity to extend her compassion and expertise to animals and their loving guardians. Whether it’s offering guidance to pet parents seeking financial assistance, providing comfort to frightened pets, or consoling worried owners, Sylvia finds purpose and fulfillment in her work.
While witnessing animals in pain remains difficult, Sylvia derives immense satisfaction from being able to alleviate their suffering. Her dedication stems from the belief that every animal, regardless of its species or circumstances, deserves love and care. Animals possess an innate capacity for forgiveness and unwavering loyalty, qualities that inspire Sylvia to advocate on their behalf.
Sylvia Hernandez is committed to being there for animals just as they are always there for us. Through her actions, she seeks to exemplify the love and compassion that all creatures deserve.