If a magic formula were available to help pets live forever, you can bet our Stanton Pet Hospital team would share it with you. While no secret pill or potion exists that can extend your furry pal’s life, you have several options for keeping your pet happy and healthy for years to come. To add years to your pet’s life, follow our five tips.

#1: Provide a balanced diet for your pet

To thrive, your pet requires a carefully balanced diet that is formulated for their species and life stage. Feeding your four-legged friend a high-quality pet food that meets their nutritional needs is essential for their overall health and longevity. Consult with our veterinary team to determine the best diet for your pet based on factors, such as your furry pal’s age, breed, and existing health conditions, as prescription diets are available for pets with chronic medical issues. 

In addition to providing a balanced diet, ensure you feed your pet an appropriate amount to maintain a healthy weight. Avoid overfeeding and limit treats to 10% of your furry pal’s daily caloric intake to prevent obesity, as excess weight can lead to various health problems and shorten your pet’s life span.

#2: Brush your pet’s teeth regularly

Dental care is often overlooked but is crucial for your pet’s overall health. Like people, pets can suffer from myriad dental issues if their oral hygiene is inadequate. As oral bacteria accumulate, they form plaque that eventually hardens into tartar, causing gingivitis, infections, abscesses, tooth damage, and bone loss. If periodontal disease progresses untreated, the condition can harm your pet’s heart, liver, and kidneys, causing disease within these vital organs.

By regularly brushing your pet’s teeth, you help prevent these problems and maintain their oral hygiene. Use a pet-specific toothpaste and soft-bristled toothbrush to brush your pet’s teeth at least several times a week. Additionally, provide dental chews, treats, toys, and other products designed to promote oral health. 

In addition to at-home dental care, ensure your pet receives regular professional dental care that includes a comprehensive oral assessment and cleaning. When our team performs your pet’s professional dental cleaning, we remove the plaque and tartar from above and below their gumline. Our team then polishes your pet’s teeth smooth to repel bacterial buildup. If we find tooth disease or damage, we typically extract those teeth.

#3: Incorporate regular exercise and mental stimulation into your pet’s routine

Daily exercise is essential for fulfilling your pet’s physical and mental stimulation requirements. Dogs need daily walks, playtime, and interactive toys to expend energy and prevent boredom, obesity, and problem behaviors. Cats benefit from play sessions, climbing structures, and puzzle feeders to satisfy their natural instincts and prevent similar problems. 

Regular exercise not only helps maintain your pet’s healthy weight but also promotes cardiovascular health, strengthens muscles, and reduces stress and anxiety. Make time for daily activities that engage your pet mentally and physically to improve their quality of life and extend their life span.

#4: Maintain a safe environment for your pet

Creating a safe environment for your pet is crucial for preventing accidents and injuries. Pet-proof your home by securing toxic substances, covering electrical cords, and removing choking hazards. Keep your pet away from harmful plants, chemicals, and medications, and block them from the kitchen while cooking to ensure they do not eat toxic foods. 

If you live in a multistory building or have windows and balconies accessible to your pet, install secure screens or guards to prevent them from falling or jumping from a height. When allowing your pet outdoors, supervise them closely to prevent injuries or escape attempts. Ensure that outdoor areas are securely fenced and free from potential dangers such as sharp objects, holes, or toxic substances. Additionally, ensure your pet wears proper identification and is microchipped to increase their chances of being reunited with you if they get lost.

#5: Schedule regular wellness care for your pet

Regular veterinary visits are essential for detecting and addressing health issues before they become severe. Schedule annual wellness exams for your pet, and keep up with lifestyle-appropriate vaccinations, parasite prevention, professional dental care, and early detection screening tests. Our team can also advise you on preventive measures tailored to your pet’s specific needs, including recommendations on nutrition, grooming, training, behavior, and more. By staying proactive with veterinary care, you can help ensure your pet stays healthy and happy for years to come.
By prioritizing your pet’s health care, you can enjoy more companionable years together, as every moment spent caring for your pet is an investment in their health and happiness. Keep your four-legged friend in tip-top shape by scheduling regular veterinary care with our Stanton Pet Hospital team.